terima kasih telah mengunjungi :)

salam kenal :)

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011

words that have inspired and made ​​me half grown :)

It takes a minute to like someone.
a hour to love someone.
but, it takes a long time to forget someone :) ~ Anonim

yang pertama belum tentu yang terbaik.
biasanya, yang terakhirlah yang terbaik :) ~ Anonim

I don`t care what is written about me.
so as long as, it isn`t true :) ~ Dorothy Parker

Cinta tidak menyadari kedalamannya sampai pada saat perpisahan :) ~ Kahlil Gibran

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself
in the service of others :) ~Mahatma Gandhi

There`s nothing that can`t be done
if we raised our voice as one :) ~Michael Jackson

Blessed are those who can give
without remembering
and take without forgetting :) ~Princess Elisabeth

Happines is not a station you arrive at
but a manner of travelling :) ~ Margaret Lee

shoot for the moon even if you miss it
you'll land among the stars :) ~ Ies brown

what you are is what you have been
and what you'll be is what you do now :) ~ Buddha

there`s great beauty on this world
if you just have the eyes to see it :) ~Henry Travers

everytime you smile at someone
it is an action of love a gift to that person
a beautiful thing :) ~mother teresa

God created the world out of nothing
and as long as we are nothing
He can make something out of us :) ~ Martin Luther

too many people overvalue what they are not
and undervalue what they are :) ~Malcolm S. Forbes

you can't hate other people 
without hating yourself :) ~ Opran Winfrey

the key to change is to let go of fears :) ~ Rosanne crash

an eye for eye only ends
up making the whole world blind :) ~Mahatma Gandhi

beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes
it`s not something physical :) ~Sophia Lauren 

if you spend too much time thinking about a things
you'll never get it done :) ~Bruce Lee

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow :) ~Albert Einstein

everyone it`s like a butterfly, they start out ugly
then morphin to beautiful graceful butterflies that everyone loves :) ~ Drew Barrymore

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Catch Me

Before I fall too fast, kiss me quick but make it last.
So I can see how badly this will hurt me when You say goodbye.
Keep it sweet, Keep it slow. Let the future pass and don't let go.
But tonight I could fall too soon under this beautiful moonlight.
But you're so hypnotizing. you've got me laughing while I sing.
you've got me smiling in my sleep. but please don't catch me.
see this heart won't settle down like a child running scared from a clown.
I'm terrified of what you do, my stomach screams just mhen I look at you.
Run far away so I can breathe even though you're far from suffocating me.
I can't set my hopes too high 'cause every hello ends with a goodbye.
but you're so hynotizing. you've got me laughing while I sing.
you've got me smiling in my sleep and I can see this unraveling.
your love is where I'm falling but please don't catch me.
so now you see why I'm scared. I can't open up my heart without a care.
but here I go it's what I feel and for the first time in my life, I know it's real.
But you're so hypnotizing. you've got me laughing while I sing.
you've got me smiling in my sleep and I can see this unraveling.
you're love is where I'm falling.
so please don't catch me. if this is love please don't break me.
I'm giving up so just catch me.
~Demi Lovato - Catch me

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

sadness and happiness :)

setiap orang, pasti pernah merasakan kesedihan.dari yang sederhana, sampai yang sangat mendalam.
Hidup, bukan suatu jalan yang lurus. kesedihan hanyalah sebuah proses yang menjadikan kita menjadi lebih kuat dalam menghadapi semua cobaan yang diberikan Tuhan kepada kita.Tuhan memberikan cobaan hanya untuk memuat kita lebih rendah diri, lebih kuat, dan lebih bijaksana. bukan untuk membuat kita menjadi orang yang putus asa dan merasa bahwa didunia ini hanya kita saja yang ditimpa kesedihan. jangan mengeluh atas msalahmu, karena Tuhan punya tujuan untuk perjuanganmu saat ini. berhentilah untuk mencari sesuatu yang buruk didalam suatu yang baik, tapi mulailah untuk mencari sesuatu yang baik didalam yang buruk.
dari semua kesedihan dan masalah yang kita terima, pasti ada sebuah pelajaran yang dapat kita pelajari.
tida semuanya penuh dengan kesedihan. ada saatnya kita tertawa, dan ada saatnya kita menangis. seseorang tidak akan pernah merasaka bahagia tanpa merasakan apa yang namanya kesedihan.
dan seseorang yang memberikan kita kebahagiaan, dia juga yang akan mengambilnya dari diri kita.
Happiness isn't a station you arrive at, but a manners of traveling (~ Margaret Lee).
kebahagiaan akan tercipta bagi mereka yang menangis, bagi mereka yang mungkin tersakiti hatinya, bagi mereka yang mungkin mau berusaha, mencari dan mencoba. karena mungkin pada saat itu, mereka bisa menghargai orang-orang disekelilingnya. semua hal yang membuatmu tersenyum mampu membuatmu kuat, namun semua yang membuatmu menangis mampu membuatmu lebih kuat :)
we can make it through the rain .. :)

annyeong haseyong :)

annyeong haseyong :)
setelah kurang lebih 1 bulan gak ada kabar, saya hadir lagi disini.
sekarang, saya mau membahas tentang saya.

halohaloo ..
nama saya liya, dan sekarang saya telah menjadi seorang pelajar disebuah Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 model Palangka Raya. sekarang saya duduk dikelas 10 2. saya anak ketiga dari tiga bersaudara yang dilahirkan tanggal 12 september 1995 di sebuah keluarga yang menurut saya sangat sederhana. tapi untungnya, orang tua saya mampu memenuhi keinginan saya. saya punya 2 orang saudara perempuan,  yang satu udah kuliah dan tahun depan akan lulus, dan yang satunya sama seperti saya., seorang pelajar di sekolah yang sama dengan saya.
dan yang diatas, itu foto saya tanggal 30 april, bertepatan dengan hari ulang tahun kakak kedua saya. foto itu diambil waktu aku habis jatuh dari motor dengan ayah aku. haha

salam kenal yaa semuanya :)

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Lady Gaga - Poker Face

"poker face"

I wanna hold em' like They do in Texas, please
 fold em' let em' hit me raise it 
Baby stay with me
 Luck and intuition play the cards with
 Spades to start
 and after he's been hooked
 I'll play the one that's on his heart


Can't read my, Can't read my
 No He can't read my poker face
 Can't read my, Can't read my
 No he can't read my poker face

 p p p poker face, p p p poker face

 I wanna roll Him a hard pair we will be
 A little gambling is fun when You're with me
 Russian roulette is not the sama without a gun
 And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun fun

 I'll get him hot, show him what I've got
 I'll get him hot, show him what I've got


 p p p poker face, p p p poker face
 p p p poker face, p p p poker face
  I won't tell you that i love you
 kiss or hug you
 cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
 I'm not lying I'm just stunning with my love glue gunning
 just like a chick in the casino

 Take your bank before I pay you out I promise this
check this hand cause I'm maevelous

back to chorus

p p p poker face, p p p poker face
p p p poker face, p p p poker face

opera yg penuh sandiwara :)

opera yg penuh sandiwara :)